Academic Year 2019/2020 - 3° Year - Curriculum PRODUZIONI VEGETALI SOSTENIBILI
Teaching Staff: Alessandra Gentile and Alberto Continella
Credit Value: 9
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 49 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Providing specific knowledge on traditional methods of plant breeding and new biotechnologies applied to the fruit crops.

Providing knowledge on the physiological mechanisms that govern relations between fruit plants and environment, with particular reference to the effects of light, temperature, water availability and nutrients

Course Structure

Lecture class and lab practice

Detailed Course Content

Origin and biodiversity in fruit crops

Plant breeding traditional methods in fruit crops: selection, induced mutagenesis, cross and hybridization

Biotechnology in plant breeding: in vitro culture, genetic transformation, molecular markers


Transport and role of photosynthesis products

Water - plant relationships: root uptake, phloem transport, transpiration

Environmental factors of development: Light (Photomorphogenesis and photoperiod ) gravity, temperature

Mineral nutrition

Plant hormones

Textbook Information

testo n.1 - Arboricoltura Generale AA.VV. a cura di S. Sansavini - Patron Editore - Bologna

testo n.2 - Principi di Arboricoltura. A cura di C. Peano e F. Sottile. EdiSES, Napoli - Cap. 6

testo n.3 - Genetica e Genomica. G. Barcaccia, M. Falcinelli Vol. II e III - Liguori Editore - Napoli

testo n.4 - Fisiologia Vegetale. L. Taiz, E. Zwaiger 2° edizione - PICCIN – Padova

testo n.5 - Fisiologia delle piante. A Alpi, P. Pupillo, C. Riganò. EdiSES - Napoli

testo n.6 - Botanica Generale. S. Tonzig, E. Marrè - 2° edizione, Vol II - Casa editrice Ambrosiana – Milano

Sussidi didattici forniti dal docente: articoli scientifici e presentazioni power point delle lezioni