Academic Year 2015/2016 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Massimiliano Lanza
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 32 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

Outlines on anatomy and physiology of reproductive tract in cattle. Reproductive efficiency in cattle and how to improve it (artificial insemination, embryo-transfer, pregnancy diagnosis, estrus induction/synchronization). Management of dairy calves and heifers. Milk production in large ruminants: lactation curve. Management of dairy cow (lactation, dry, transition). Dairy cattle nutritional management. Outlines on small ruminant production. Beef meat production chain: management of white veal calves and young bulls. Management of suckling-cow system. Outlines on meat quality. Monogastric animal husbandry: poultry production chain in Italy; management of laying hens and broilers; pork production chain in Italy; management of sows, piglets, light and heavy pig.

Textbook Information

1. Bittante, G., Andrighetto, I., Ramanzin, M. - Tecniche di Produzione Animale. Liviana Editrice.

2. Monetti, P.G. - Allevamento dei bovini e dei suini. Cristiano Giraldi Editore.

3. Dell'Orto, V., Savoini, G. - Alimentazione della vacca da latte. Edagricole.

4. Succi, G., Hoffmann, I. - La vacca da latte. CittàStudi.

5. Cerolini, S., Marzoni Fecia di cossato, M., Romboli, M., Schiavone, A., Zaniboni, L., Avicoltura e Coniglicoltura. Point Veterinaire Italie.