Massimiliano Lanza

Full Professor of Animal science [AGRI-09/C]



-    Master Degree in Agriculture Science at University of Catania (Italy) with a rate of 110/110 cum laude.
-    Agronomist professional qualification.
-    Researcher at University of Catania, Faculty of Agriculture Science, starting from 1994.
-    Qualification as Expert in sheep carcass classification, according to CEE regulation n. 2137/92.
-    Visiting fellow according to an “Exchange Visitor Program, at Cornell University-Department of Animal Science (USA) under the supervision of Prof. Donald Beermann for 4 month- period in 1995.
-    Enrolled by Assessorato Agricoltura e Foreste della Regione Siciliana, as an expert, in the “Sicilian Sheep Breeds Committe on behalf of Associazione Nazionale della Pastorizia (ASSO.NA.PA.).
-    Associate Professor at University of Catania, Faculty of Agriculture Science, starting form 2003.
-    Full Professor of Animal Science (Animal Science and Technology 07/G1), at University of Catania, Faculty of Agriculture Science, starting from 2008.


•    Prof. Lanza taught more than 50 courses in Applied Animal Production (Animal Science and Technology 07/G1) since he was enrolled as researcher at University of Catania (Italy). Actually, he teaches the following two courses: Applied animal husbandry (6 credits), Bachelor Degree in Agriculture Science L-25 (3 years); Applied Animal Production (integrated course - 12 credits) - subject "Sustainable Management of Animal Production System (6 credits), Master Degree in Agriculture Science LM-69 (2 years); 
•    Teaching activity in School Teacher Training in Food Science A057.
•    Ordinary member of “Feeding Production and Technologies” PhD Council – University of Catania (Italy) covering official tutor position until 2014. Actually member of PhD Council Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science.
•    Tutor of student practical activities and final thesis supervisor at the level of BSc, MSc, PhD and International Agrismundus Master.
•    Scientific manager of an Educational Project I.F.T.S.  Regional Operative Program Programma P.O.R. Sicilia 2000/2006 – professional figure “Animal production technician” co-funded by  European Social Fund.


-    Documented by over 100 scientific manuscripts (being 60 of them published in scientific journals of high impact)  mainly focused on relationships between animal feeding systems and product quality, with an emphasis on meat. Recently Prof. Lanza investigated on the effects of using local feedstuffs (alternative legume seeds and agro industrial byproducts) on meat quality and on the horsemeat quality and colour and tenderness in sheep meat. Member of Editorial Board of Meat Science, an international peer reviewed journal, and he is referee for the following scientific journals: Agriculture, Animal, Animals, Annals of Animal Science, Foods, Food Control, Italian Journal of Animal Science, Italian Journal of Food Science, Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Food Research International, Small Ruminant Research.

H-index is actually (May 2024): 342 (Google Scholar); 27 (WoS); 29 (Scopus). Citations: 2843 (Scopus)





Last edit: 05/10/2024

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Livestock feeding systems and product quality.

Feeding animals with local agro industrial byproducts (citrus pulp, carob pulp, olive cake) and feedstuffs(alternative legume seeds) and effects on product quality.

Horse meat quality characterization.

Oxidative stability of meat.

Dietary supplementation with bioactive compounds and gut health and meat quality in poultry.