Plant Disease Diagnosis and Mycology

Academic Year 2015/2016 - 3° Year - Curriculum DIFESA DELLE PIANTE COLTIVATE
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Taught classes: 64 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content



    Text References

    1. The diseased plant: the concept of disease in plant, types of plant diseases, pathological morphology, symptomatology, pathology, physiological and functional alterations; assessing the severity and damage of the disease: the fungal inoculum quantification, quantification of symptoms;


    Text 2: chap 2

    *2. The fungal diseases: General characters of fungi, vegetative structures and organization, ifa fungal, nutrition, environmental influence on fungal growth, germination and dispersal of spores, fungi reproduction: sexual and asexual spores; symptomatology expression;


    Text 1: chap 5

    *3. The classification of phytopathogenic fungi: taxonomy and classification, general characteristics, nomenclature, fungal structures, identification


    Text 3 chap 11;

    Text1 chap 5; Text 2 chap 4;

    *4. Parasitism in phytopathogenic fungi: the relationship between organisms, ecological relationships, symbiotic relationships: mutualism, commensalism and patosismo; trophic relationships in parasitism, parasitic specialization


    Text 2: chap 4

    *5. Life cycle of phytopathogenic fungi: epidemiology and factors that influence the development of epidemics, different forms of epidemic and consequent defense strategies


    Text 1: chap 5; Text 3 chap 11

    *6. Attack modes of phytopathogenic fungi: the infection process: initial contact, penetration mechanisms, colonization mechanisms (biotrophic and necrotrophic colonization), evasion


    Text 2: chap 6

    *7. Toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins


    Text 1: chap 13

    *8. Quarantine phytopathogenic fungi


    reported web sites

    *9. Fungi used in biological control of plant diseases


    *10. Diagnostic methods in phytopathological mycology: Koch's postulates, traditional diagnosis; optical and electronic microscopy, use of indicator plants, isolation in cultural media, serological diagnosis, molecular diagnosis


    Text 1 chap 6

    *11. Control of fungal diseases of plant: control means in laboratory and in field


    Text 2 chap 9

    *12. Web sites of mycological interest

    Reported and on lectures

    13. Kingdom Protozoa: Diseases caused by Plasmodiophoromycota: general characters


    Text 2 Spec. chap 4; Text 3 chap 11

    *14. Kingdom Chromista: Diseases caused by Oomycota: general characters and recognition. Downy mildew, Plasmopara viticola, Phytophthora infestans, P. citrophthora and P. nicotianae and other species fitopatogene, Pythium spp., Bremia spp., Peronospora spp. and Pseudoperonospora spp.


    Text 2 Spec. chap 4; Text 3 chap 11

    15. Kingdom Fungi: Diseases caused by Chytridiomycota: general characters and recognition.


    Text 2 spec. cap 4; Text 3 chap 11

    16. Kingdom Fungi: Diseases caused by Zygomycota: general characters and recognition: Rhyzopus stolonifer


    Text 2 Spec. chap 4; Text 3 chap 11

    *17. Kingdom Fungi: Diseases caused by Ascomycota: general characters and recognition: Taphrina deformans, Venturia inaequalis, Glomerella cingulata (Colletotrichum), Penicillium spp., Erysiphe necator, Leveillula taurica, Sphaeroteca pannosa, Blumeria graminis, Claviceps purpurea, Chryphonectria parasitica, Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Monilinia fructigena, Monilinia laxa, Monilinia fructicola, Monosporascus cannonballus, Mycosphaerella spp.


    Text 2 Spec. chap 4; Text 3 chap 11

    *18. Kingdom Fungi: Diseases caused by Basidiomycota: general characters and recognition: Armillaria mellea, Ustilago maydis, Puccinia spp, Sclerotium rolfsii, Rhizoctonia solani


    Text 2 Spec. chap 4; Text 3 chap 11

    *19 Kingdom Fungi: mitosporic fungi - Diseases caused by Deuteromycota: general and recognition: Phoma tracheiphila, Spilocea oleagina, Fusicladium (Spilocea) eryobotriae, Verticillium dahliae, F. oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici, Alternaria spp.


    Text 2 Spec. chap 4; Text 3 chap 11

    20. Laboratory exercises: Isolation in pure culture of fungal pathogens from infected plant tissues and soil; identification of the most important phytopathogenic fungi; obtaining fungal monoconidial cultures


    21. Laboratory exercises: determination of microbial density into soil; concentration determination of a conidial suspension; observation of reproductive structures under micro- and stereo-microscope


    22. Laboratory exercises: use of mating types for diagnostic purposes; preparatio and stages of liofilization of fungi; trials for evaluation of fungicide efficacy in vitro against targeted phytopatogenicfungi.


Textbook Information


    1. Belli G., Elementi di Patologia Vegetale. Editore Piccin, Padova.

    2. Matta A. Fondamenti di Patologia Vegetale. Patron Editore.

    3. Agrios G.N. Plant Patholgy (5th edition). Academic Press, New York

    4. Teaching material and lectures supplied by the professor during the course

    Recommended sites:;;;