Academic Year 2015/2016 - 3° Year - Curriculum ZOOTECNICO ECONOMICO
Teaching Staff: Claudio Bellia
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 32 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

Definition of quality, value and "values" in the European agri-food products; classification of the size of the typical as a differentiator of food products; planning and implementation of the strategic plan of exploitation; mobilization of local resources and local development; qualification and marketing of local products; financing of the strategic plan of valorization; means of detection, analysis and representation; field visits and case study analysis

Textbook Information

1) Material provided by the teacher

2) AA.VV.: Guida per la valorizzazione dei prodotti agroalimentari tipici, Concetti, metodi e strumenti, 2006, provided by the teacher.

3) Antonelli G. (a cura di), Marketing agroalimentare. Specificità e temi di analisi, FrancoAngeli, Milano, (The book is available at the library).