Academic Year 2020/2021 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 13
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 56 hours
Exercise: 70 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives


    Students learn the basic skills of general economics; they analyze the choices and behavior of the entrepreneur, study the farm and the agricultural company, deepen the economic analysis of the management of the farm, determine the economic results of production and their distribution, learn the problems and methods of planning and choice of corporate investments. At the end of the course, students will be able to analyze, understand and undertake agricultural productive activities and face the problems of business management.

  • Agricultural Policy

    The course aims to provide basic theoretical knowledge to understand the role of agriculture in economic systems and public intervention for agriculture.

  • Rural appraisal

    To supply conceptual and practical skills in the field of real estate appraisal in order to produce appraisal reports consistent with international standard rules.

Course Structure


    lessons frontal and exercises

  • Agricultural Policy

    Lectures, exercises, practical applications

    The course is structured in 42 hours of which 14 hours of lectures and 28 hours of exercises. The exercises consist of individual and group work and/or in-depth seminars.

    Tools to support teaching
    Blackboard, videoprojector, computer, internet access. All lessons are held with the help of presentations in ppt

    If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported syllabus.

    Learning assessment may be done remotely if necessary.

  • Rural appraisal

    Lectures (21 hours) and exercises (14 hours). Case studies discussion; group work; thematic seminars. Drafting of a final report.

    In case of on line teaching, it may necessary to change some tipologies of exercises in order to comply with the outline. Learning assessment can also be carried out online, if conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content


    General notions. Economic assets and consumer choices. Analysis of the economic theory of supply and demand. Business theory. Market and its functioning. The production and the choices of the entrepreneur. Structure and management of agricultural production units. Problems and methods of business planning. Business analysis models. Choice of business investments.

  • Agricultural Policy

    Object, method and aims of agricultural policy; Interrelations between the agricultural sector and socio-economic development; Agricultural policy and work, land, enterprise.

  • Rural appraisal

    Elements of financial mathematics. Basic statisitcs. Appraisal postulates and criteria. Market-oriented appraisal mehods: traditional approaches; market comparison approach; paired data analysis; general systems approach; nearest appraisal technique; regresssion models. The cost approach; deprecation estimates. The income approach. Land market and market analysis. Appraisal standards. The appraisal report. Professional practices and law.

Textbook Information


    1) Samuelson P.A:, Nordhaus W.D., Bollino C.A. (2012):“Economia”. XIX Edizione, McGraw-Hill, (MI).

    2) Dominik Salvatore, (2010): "Microeconomia" Teoria e applicazioni. V edizione, Franco Angeli (MI):

    3) Messori F. (2007): “L’azienda agraria” – Introduzione all’economia dell’unità di produzione agricola. CLUEB (BO)

    4) Iacoponi L., Romiti R., (2004): “Economia e Politica Agraria”, Ed agricole Bologna.

  • Agricultural Policy

    1. Iacoponi L., Romiti R., Economia e Politica Agraria, Edagricole Bologna.

    2. Santeramo F.G., Di Gioia L., La gestione del rischio in agricoltura, Edagricole Bologna.

    3. Publications distributed during the course

  • Rural appraisal

    1. Michieli M., Cipollotti G.B. (2018): Trattato di estimo generale, immobiliare, agrario, forestale, ambientale, legale. Edagricole.

    2. Simonotti M. (2006): Metodi di stima immobiliare. Applicazioni degli standard internazionali. Flaccovio.

    3. Simonotti, M. (2011). Valutazione immobiliare standard. Stimatrix.

    4. Appraisal Institute (2013). The Appraisal of Real Estate, 14th Edition.