Academic Year 2016/2017 - 3° Year - Curriculum ALIMENTI E SALUTE
Teaching Staff: Cinzia Lucia Randazzo
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 40 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The main objectives of the course are: provide knowledge on the main microorganisms related to food with healthy attitudes; on the effects of these microrganisms on human health and on their interaction with the intestinal microbiota.

Detailed Course Content

Introduction to the course. Main microorganisms of food interest. Differences between pro technological microorganisms, spoilage and pathogenic. Definition of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics. From research to appliction. Guidelines for probiotics evaluation. Methods for the probiotic identification at probiotic species and strain level: classical and genotypic methdos. The lactic acid bacteria; non -LAB species and yests with probiotic features. Evaluation of the probiotic resistance to gatro-intestinal transit; resistance to bile salts; bacterial adhesion to intestinal epithelium; cell hydrophobicity and self aggregation. Evaluation of the safety of the probiotic strains: antibiotic resistance EFSA opinion. Human double- bind study. Risks associated with consumption of probiotics. The global market for probiotic, prebiotic and symbiotic. European regulations. Criteria for the selection of microbial strains genetically and metabolically suitable for use as probiotics. Viability of probiotics in relation to the formulation, the technological process and storage of food products used as vectors. non-routine use of probiotics: the new probiotic approaches. Functional foods, enriched and fortified foods. Beneficial effects on human health. The gastro-intestinal (GI) tract. The intestinal microbiota and its quantitative and qualitative composition in the GI tract. The gastro-intestinal tract and the immune system. Recognition by the immune system and microorganisms. The functions of the intestinal microbiota. Relationship between probiotics and host organism. Probiotics and health. Gut-brain axis: as the gut affects the brain. The role of probiotics in the axis gut-brain. Library materials and seminars; group presentations in ppt of scientific papers. Practical couse.

Textbook Information

1. “Probiotics and Prebiotics: Scientific Aspects”. Gerald W. Tannock. ISBN 978-1-904455-01-1.

2. PROBIOTICI E SALUTE UMANA - 2013: Lo stato dell’arte basato sulle evidenze.

3. “Microbiologia dei prodotti alimentari”. G. A. Farris, M. Gobbetti, E. Neviani, M. Vincenzini. ISBN 978-8808-18246-3

4. “L’intestino felice”. Giulia Enders. Casa Editrice Sonzogno. ISBN. 978-88-454-2597-4.