Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: ROSARIO MAURO

Required Prerequisites

Basic plant biology

Attendance of Lessons

While not mandatory, class attendance is highly recommended. Active participation will enable students to better connect the various topics, provide concrete examples, and improve their technical language, all of which are assessed in exams.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Horticultural systemsReference textbooks, course notes
2The quality of vegetablesReference textbooks, course notes
3Factors affecting the quality of vegetablesReference textbooks, course notes
4Criteria and tools for assessing vegetable qualityReference textbooks, course notes
5Conditioning and storage of vegetablesReference textbooks, course notes
6 Regulatory aspects, labeling and certifications of vegetablesReference textbooks, course notes
7AmaryllidaceaeReference textbooks, course notes
8ApiaceaeReference textbooks, course notes
9AsteraceaeReference textbooks, course notes
10CucurbitaceaeReference textbooks, course notes
11FabaceaeReference textbooks, course notes
12RosaceaeReference textbooks, course notes
13SolanaceaeReference textbooks, course notes