Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Sabina Iole Giuseppina FAILLAExpected Learning Outcomes
To provide the necessary knowledge to understand the basic elements relating to work safety and well-being of workers in restaurant and food distribution activities.
To give the main concepts that govern the organic management of risk factors of plant and equipment systems, in order to ensure an efficient organization of work, to guarantee the continuity of services, in compliance with the safety and health conditions of workers.
Knowledge and understanding
The course will provide the principles of prevention management in the workplace, the obligations of employers and workers, organization and management models.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course lectures and exercises, students will be able to know the legislation and procedures that regulate the safety and well-being of employees in the management of roles, systems and equipment in the workplace and in particular in catering.
Autonomy of judgment
Through seminars and educational visits, students will acquire the skills necessary for defining measures to prevent risks and accidents at work.
Communication skills
Students will be able to discuss ergonomics, safety and work organization management procedures with appropriate technical language.
Learning skills
Students will obtain elements of technical and procedural knowledge useful for facing workplace and / or higher level studies.
Course Structure
The course includes 21 hours of lectures and 42 hours of exercises (in the classroom, in the firm, seminars and technical excursions).
If the teaching is carried out in a mixed mode or online, it may be necessary to introduce specific changes with respect to the program.
Information for students with disabilities and / or SLD:
It is also possible to contact, in addition, the CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Inclusion - Services for Disabilities and/or DSA) contact teacher of our Department, Prof. Anna De Angelis.
Required Prerequisites
Attendance of Lessons
Detailed Course Content
Workplaces, use of equipment and signage
The Risk: general and methodological aspects
Manual handling of loads: NIOSH methodology
Microclimate risk
Work organization and work-related stress risk
The Risk Assessment Document
Risk assessment and prevention measures
Personal Protective Equipment in Catering
Work equipment and safety requirements
Hazards arising from the use of machinery
Ergonomics in restaurant industry
Textbook Information
1. Oddo A., Banedetti E., Petringa Nicolosi R. – La Sicurezza delle macchine e attrezzature di lavoro. Wolters Kluwer Italia S.r.l.
2. Pelliccia L. – Il Testo Unico di Sicurezza sul lavoro. Maggioli Editore
3. Educational material
Course Planning
Subjects | Text References | |
1 | Regulatory framework | Textbook 1-2 and educational material |
2 | Management of prevention in the workplace | Textbook 1-2 and educational material |
3 | Subjects of the prevention system | Textbook 1-2 and educational material |
4 | Workplaces and use of equipment | Textbook 1-2 and educational material |
5 | Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) | Textbook 1-2 and educational material |
6 | Risk assessment, weighting, treatment | Textbook 1-2 and educational material |
7 | Chemical risks | Textbook 1-2 and educational material |
8 | Manual Handling of Loads and Valuation Indices | Textbook 1-2 and educational material |
9 | Microclimate risks | Textbook 1-2 and educational material |
10 | Electrical risks | Textbook 1-2 and educational material |
11 | Biological risks | Textbook 1-2 and educational material |
12 | Other risks in catering workplaces | Textbook 1-2 and educational material |
13 | Factors of well-being, ergonomics and occupational diseases | Textbook 1-2 and educational material |
14 | Examples of risk analysis and assessment | Textbook 1-2 and educational material |
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
Verification of learning takes place through an oral interview. An in-progress test will be conducted during the course.
The evaluation of the student's preparation will take place on the basis of the following criteria: i) learning ability and level of depth of the topics covered; ii) properties of synthesis and exposure; iii) properties of technical language and overall expressive ability.
The mark is expressed on the basis of the following indications:
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: important shortcomings. Significant inaccuracies.
Ability to analyse and synthesize: irrelevant. Frequent generalizations. Inability to synthesize.
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: at the threshold level. Obvious imperfections.
Ability to analyse and synthesize: just enough skills.
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: routine knowledge. Ability to analyse and synthesize: quite correct. Argue logically and consistently.
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: good knowledge.
Analysis and synthesis skills: good analysis and synthesis skills. The arguments are expressed consistently.
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: more than good knowledge.
Ability to analyse and synthesize: remarkable abilities of analysis and synthesis.
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: knowledge more than excellent.
Ability to analyse and synthesize: remarkable abilities of analysis, synthesis and interdisciplinary study. High property of language and critical analysis.
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
Classification of risks
Risk assessment and prevention measures
Risk Assessment Document
Personal Protective Equipment in the catering industry
Equipment safety requirements
Work organization and work-related stress risk
Handling of loads