Erbaceous Coltural Systems
Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year - Curriculum Produzioni vegetali- Techniques for weed and fertilization management: Giovanni Mauromicale
- Biomass crops for energy production: Danilo Scordia
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 56 hours
Exercise: 56 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
- Techniques for weed and fertilization management
Provide in-depth knowledge on the role, functions and absorption of nutrients in cultivated plants, as well as on the biology, ecology, on the role and impact of weeds in agroecosystems.
Acquire skills in fertilization plans and in fertilizer management techniques, as well as on the weeds management in the main Mediterranean crops by physical, mechanical, chemical, ecological, biological means and integrated control.
- Biomass crops for energy production
Provide knowledge to rational management of biomass crops for energy in the supply chains for bioenergy production from thermoelectric, biogas, bioethanol and biodiesel. The course will also provide knowledge on the subjects necessary for the development of an agro-energy chain: Legislation, Biomass availability, Crop suitability, Logistics, Processes of bioconversion, Processing plant, End use, Sustainability (Energy, Environmental, Economic, Social).
At the end of the course the student will have acquired the necessary skills on the agronomic techniques of the main dedicated biomass crops for the Mediterranean environment, and on the main bioconversion processes for the production of renewable energy and non-energy products in a circular economy perspective.
Course Structure
- Techniques for weed and fertilization management
The course will include lectures, applicative lessons, seminars, case studies, such as fertilization plans and weeding plans for specific crops, and visits to some important agri-food companies.
- Biomass crops for energy production
Lectures, participated and / or cooperative, analysis of case studies, technical visits and exercises on farm and laboratory.
Detailed Course Content
- Techniques for weed and fertilization management
Weed Management
Concept of weed. Adaptation strategies of weeds. Seed-bank. Germination and physiological, environmental and agronomic factors. Population dynamics and agronomic factors affecting them. Damages caused by weeds. Competition between crops and weeds. Critical period of weed competition. Means of weed control, both direct and indirect. Direct means of weed control: mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, ecological and integrated. Herbicides and plant: penetration, translocation, biotransformation, mechanisms of action, selectivity. Environmental dynamics of herbicides. For the most widespread crops in the Mediterranean, will be considered the main weed species and their control techniques.
Fertilization Management
Concept of fertility. Form and dynamics in agroecosystems of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium and magnesium. Micronutrients. Classification of fertilizers and techniques of administration. Fertilization and product quality. Fertilization environmentally friendly. Fertilization in organic farming. Foliar fertilization. Technical and agronomic principles of fertigation. Writing a fertilization program. Fertilization programs for the main Mediterranean crops.
- Biomass crops for energy production
- Introduction to the course and outline of the key points for the realization of projects for the production of renewable energy from biomass cultivation;
- Regional, national and European legislation.
- Cultivation of energy crops, oilseeds species, sugary/starchy species, lignocellulosic species, other species.
- Crop residues from field crops, from woody crops, from silvicultural.
- Logistics.
- Waste from wood processing, food products.
- Transformation processes: thermochemical and biochemical.
- Processing plant for torrefaction, pyrolysis, gasification, combustion, bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas.
- Sustainability (Energy, Environmental, Economic, Social).
- Life Cycle Assessment.
Textbook Information
- Techniques for weed and fertilization management
Testo 1: Giardini L., 2012 – L’Agronomia per conservare il futuro. Patron Editore, Bologna.
Testo 2: Ceccon P., Fagnano M., Grignani C., Monti M., Orlandini S. (edited by), 2017 – Agronomia. EdiSES, Napoli.
Testo 3: Perelli M. (edited by), 2009 – Nutrire le piante, trattato di scienza dei fertilizzanti. Arvan.
Testo 4: Catizone P., Zanin G., 2002 – Malerbologia, Patron Editore, Bologna.
Notes and schemes of the lessons provided by the teacher and published on STUDIUM.
- Biomass crops for energy production
- Teacher's notes.
- PowerPoint presentations.