Strategic Management of Agricultural Firms, Markets and Marketing

Academic Year 2015/2016 - 2° Year - Curriculum Economico-progettuale
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Taught classes: 64 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives


    The course focuses on corporate strategies and decision-making processes of the agricultural enterprise and related agri-business, in terms of sustainability and competitiveness in the context where they operate. In this context, the course provides students with knowledge about the company's behavior, on strategic planning and on medium to longterm plan. In order to understand the interrelation between economics and business, the course revolves around the production function, the function of costs and the determination function of the price of agricultural products. For the economic-management evaluation of the business activity, the looks to teaching on short medium and long term instruments, in particular, on the enterprise accounts, the sectors budgets and the business plan.

  • Agri-Food Markets and Marketing

    The student acquires the basic tools for the knowledge of the market for agricultural and food products in the context of economic systems developed, as well as the skills necessary to analyze development strategies and models of marketing in the competitive market.
    At the end of the course the student will be able to develop a business marketing plan, an indispensable tool for access to the financial resources available in the programming of European Funds.

Detailed Course Content


    General notions: enterprise, farm, intra and extra farm relations environment. Innovations. The farm, characters and structural setting. Purpose. Evaluation of enterprise governance decisions. Production decisions. Business strategies. The production function. The production costs. Classification of the components of the cost. sector budgets and their applications. Budget by cost center. The operational management of the company (logistics, supply management, innovative process and human resources). The markets of factors of production and product forecasting techniques. The accounting records and financial statements. Business plans and business planning.

  • Agri-Food Markets and Marketing

    Agri-food Supply and Demand Analysis. Market Structure and Pricing. Models of Trade. Commercial Policy. Agriculture and Agri-food System in Domestic and International Trade. Characteristics of the Associate-Economic System. The Marketing. General Analysis of the Market. Informative System of Market. Strategic Marketing. Operational Marketing. Politics of the Distribution. Politics of the Price. Politics of Promotion. Politics of the Product. Marketing Plan.

Textbook Information


    Principi di economia per l’impresa; Mankiw Gregory N.; Taylor, M.P.; Ashwin A. Zanichelli

    Economia e Gestione dell’impresa dell’impresa agraria;Torquati B. Edagricole

  • Agri-Food Markets and Marketing

    1. Messori F., Ferretti F. Economia del mercato agro-alimentare, 2010, EDAGRICOLE, Bologna.

    2. PAUL PETER J.,- JAMES H. DONNELLY jr: Marketing. McGraw-Hill, Milano.

    3. Publications distributed during the course