Academic Year 2015/2016 - 2° Year - Curriculum ZootecnicoLearning Objectives
The course aims to provide theoretical and practical knowledge on breeding programs in livestock production, traditional tools of quantitative genetics and innovative biotechnology applied to animal populations. The genetic traceability of animal productions will be also treated
Detailed Course Content
Quantitative genetics – Genetic model - Kinship. Genetic breeding. Selection. Inbreeding e outbreeding. Analysis of variability.
QTLs and Major genes for animal productions. Marker Assisted Selection (MSA). Biotechnologies applied to reproduction. Genetic polymorphism. Genetic markers (RFLPs, AFLPs, DNAmt, STRs or microsatellites, SNPs) applied to the analysis of livestock biodiversity and to the genetic traceability of animal productions.
Textbook Information
Pagnacco “Genetica animale applicata” Editrice Ambrosiana. Barcaccia, Falcinelli “Genetica e genomica” Vol III, Liguori Editore.