Academic Year 2020/2021 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 56 hours
Exercise: 56 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives


    The course aims to provide a depth knowledge about the dynamics of the natural organic matter as well as the nutrients, in order to understand the factors regulating the plant growth, also as a function of the environmental changes leading to new scenarios. At the end of the course the student will have a wide knowledge about the dynamics of organic matter and the nutrients in the agronomic soils, as well as the nutritional properties of the soil-plant system. Moreover, the student will acquire informations about the possible use of organic waste matrices, rough or treated, in order to increase the soil organic component.

  • Sustainable management of the agronomical techniques

    Providing knowledge for management soil conservation for a rational soil conservation, fertility maintenance and improvement of production yields and acquire knowledge for managing agricultural and media inputs public health, health and health plant welfare and maintenance of non-renewable resources to meet the needs of society and markets. At the end of the course the student will be able to develop and manage agronomically crop systems through sustainable farming techniques reference to substance management organic soil, at the fertilizer, irrigated techniques, sustainable weed control, alternative sources to fertilizers, the use of biomass crops for the production of bioenergies. It will also be able to build and apply simulation models for the forecasting of development and yield a crop.

Course Structure


    The course is made of:

    -Frontal lessons (28 hours);

    - Application part (28 hours) (laboratory exercitations and/or on field experience) by transferring the theoretical concepts to practical experiences by examples allowing the student to acquire greater mastery of the subject to complete the training process.

    If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported Syllabus.

    Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

  • Sustainable management of the agronomical techniques

    The course will be structured as follows:

    • Lectures (28 hours)
    • Tutorials (28 hours)

    If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported Syllabus

    Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it

Detailed Course Content


    Organic matter evolution of the soil; mineralization and humification processes; humic substances; influence of organic matter on the chemical, physical, biological properties of the soil; role of pedofauna and microrganisms in the evolution of soil organic matter; composting process; characteristics and possible use of sewage sludge; analytical methods for the study of soil organic matter.

  • Sustainable management of the agronomical techniques

    Outline of General Agronomy

    Agrometeorology and agrometeorological Services

    Soil degradation, erosion, salinity, phytoremediation techniques

    Soil management: (i) Agronomic management of irrigation, timing of irrigation, (ii) soil tillage and conservative techniques

    Crop physiology

    Simulation models

    Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farming

    Bioenergetic systems: (i) Bioenergies, Biofuels, Life Cycle Assessment, Energy balance

    Biotechnology and genetically modified plants

    Development of a simulation model for the growth and production of crops

Textbook Information


    1. Ciclo della Sostanza Organica del Suolo (P. Nannipieri; Ed. Patron)(2003).

    2. Lecture notes.

  • Sustainable management of the agronomical techniques

    1. Agronomia (Edises, Società Italiana di Agronomia)

    2. Fondamenti di Agronomia (Bonciarelli F.)

    3. Agronomia aziendale ed ambientale (Giardini)

    4. Appunti del Docente