Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Giuseppe CIRELLIExpected Learning Outcomes
1) knowledge and understanding
Supply scientific and technical knowledge on soil hydrology and irrigation techniques. The course provides criteria for design and management of irrigation systems, with particularly reference to sprinkler and drip irrigation system (surface and subsurface). Specific topics on water saving in agriculture (deficit irrgation) and the use of unconventional water resources for irrigation such as wastewater will be developed.
2) ability to apply knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course the student will be able to evaluate the irrigation needs of crops for the design of an irrigation system and design a drip or sprinkling irrigation system.
3) autonomy of judgment
The student will acquire a specific ability to identify and design the best type of irrigation system for a given crop
4) communication skills
The student will acquire the technical language for the design and management of an irrigation system, this skill will be acquired in particular during the exercises and during the meetings with technicians of the sector that will be organized during the course.
5) learning ability
The student will acquire an autonomous in-depth ability by consulting other textbooks and technical manuals available online, this ability will be particularly stimulated by the seminar activities that will be organized during the course
6) Contribution to the goals of the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development
6.3 By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating uncontrolled discharge practices and minimising the release of chemicals and hazardous materials, halve the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increase recycling and safe reuse globally
6.4 By 2030, substantially increase water efficiency for use in all sectors and ensure freshwater withdrawals and supply to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity
6.a By 2030, expand international cooperation and capacity building in support of developing countries on water and related sanitation, including water harvesting systems, desalination, water efficiency, wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse technologies
6.b Support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management
13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related risks and natural disasters in all countries
14.1 By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, particularly from land-based activities, including marine litter and nutrient pollution of waters
15.3 By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soils, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a world without land degradation
- lecture
- dedicated seminar
- study visit
- study materials
Course Structure
Credit total amount: 6
Total hours 63 (21 hrs for lectures and 42 hrs for applied activities).
The course is articulated in lectures and lab training sessions. Video projector during lectures and labtop for training session with specific softwares will be used.
Technical seminars with invited speakers (technicias) will be performed.
As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Inclusion - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs).
Required Prerequisites
Attendance of Lessons
Attendance is not compulsory, however it is strongly recommended in particular on days dedicated to exercises.
Detailed Course Content
The course is articulated in lectures and applied sessions. Crop water requirements determination. Use of water in agriculture. Water use efficiency. Irrigation methods: main characteristics, design and management. Sprinlkler irrigation system design. Surface and subsurface drip irrigation. Evaluation of clogging risk in drip irrgation and good managment practices. Filtration systems. Fertigation systems. Automation and controller devices in irrigation systems. Decifit irrigation. Use of unconventional water resources for irrigation.
Textbook Information
- Cirelli G.L. - Dispense del corso •
- Melby P. - Simplified irrigation design Ed. JOHN WILEY &SONS
- Capra A., Scicolone B. - Progettazione e gestione degli impianti di microirrigazione. Ed. EDAGRICOLE •
- Hargreaves G.H., MerkleyG.P. . Irrigation Fundamentals. Ed. WATER RESOURCES PUB, LLC
- Ferro V. Elementi di idraulica e idrologia per le scienze agrarie, ambientali e forestali Ed. McGraw-Hill, 2013.
- Santelli P. Irrigazione del verde ornamentale. Ed. Flaccovio, Palermo, 2016
Course Planning
Subjects | Text References | |
1 | Moto dell'acqua nel terreno insaturo. | 5 |
2 | Valutazione dei fabbisogni idrici delle colture | 1, 4 |
3 | Caratteristiche e modalità di gestione dei sistemi irrigui collettivi ed aziendali. | 1 |
4 | Metodi irrigui gravitazionali e a pressione | 1,3 |
5 | Criteri di progettazione, dimensionamento e gestione degli impianti irrigui ad aspersione. | 2,3,7 |
6 | Criteri di progettazione e gestione degli impianti di microirrigazione con particolare riferimento agli impianti a goccia superficiale e sub superficiale | 1,3,7 |
7 | Rischio di occlusione di filtri ed erogatori ed interventi gestionali | 1,3 |
8 | Sistemi di filtrazione | 1,2 |
9 | La fertirrigazione | 1 |
10 | Le tecniche di irrigazione deficitaria | 1 |
11 | Uso di risorse idriche non convenzionali per l’irrigazione. | 1 |
12 | Tecniche naturali per il trattamento ed il recupero delle acque reflue in agricoltura | 1,6 |
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
A written test and an oral exam to which only students who have achieved a score higher than 18/30 in the written test will be admitted. Verification of learning can also be carried out online, if specific conditions occur.
La votazione segue il seguente schema:
Non idoneo
Conoscenza e comprensione argomento: Importanti carenze. Significative imprecisioni
Capacità di analisi e sintesi: Irrilevanti. Frequenti generalizzazioni. Incapacità di sintesi
Utilizzo di referenze: Completamente inappropriato
Conoscenza e comprensione argomento: A livello soglia. Imperfezioni evidenti
Capacità di analisi e sintesi: Capacità appena sufficienti
Utilizzo di referenze: Appena appropriato
Conoscenza e comprensione argomento: Conoscenza routinaria Capacità di analisi e sintesi: E’ in grado di analisi e sintesi corrette. Argomenta in modo logico e coerente
Utilizzo di referenze: Utilizza le referenze standard
Conoscenza e comprensione argomento: Conoscenza buona
Capacità di analisi e sintesi: Ha capacità di analisi e di sintesi buone. Gli argomenti sono espressi coerentemente
Utilizzo di referenze: Utilizza le referenze standard
Conoscenza e comprensione argomento: Conoscenza più che buona
Capacità di analisi e sintesi: Ha notevoli capacità di analisi e di sintesi
Utilizzo di referenze: Ha approfondito gli argomenti
Conoscenza e comprensione argomento: Conoscenza ottima
Capacità di analisi e sintesi: Ha notevoli capacità di analisi e di sintesi.
Utilizzo di referenze: Importanti approfondimenti.
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
Assessment of the crop water requirements
Gravity irrigation systems
Erogation Uniformity of a sprinkler system
Flow-pressure relationship of an emitter
Design and sizing of a sprinkler irrigation sector
Design and sizing of a drip irrigation sector
Deficit irrigation