Giuseppe Cirelli

Full Professor of Agricultural hydraulics and watershed protection [AGRI-04/A]
Membership Section: Hydraulics and Territory


water resource management

soil bio-engineering

wastewater reuse

nature-based solution for water management

constructed wetlands



deficit irrigation


Giuseppe Luigi CIRELLI

Open Researcher and Contributor ID” :

Graduated in Forest Engineering, University of  Trento (Italy), 1990.

PhD in “Environmental Hydraulics” at the University of Palermo (Italy) in 1996.

Full professor of Agricultural Hydraulics and Soil Bio-engineering at the “Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment” - University of Catania (Italy).

He covered the role of director of the CSEI Catania – “Research Center of applied engineering to economics” ( from July 2010 to March 2014. Since 2014 he is member of the board of directors.

He has been involved in several European research projects as responsible of Catania University “Research Unit”;:

  • ENV4-CT098-0790 – “Enhancement of Integrated Water Management Strategies with Water ReuseatCatchment Scale” (Progetto “CatchWater”,  Programme Environment &Climate, 1999-2001);
  • Med-Reunet network “Med-Reunet I - Mediterranean Network on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse” -Programme INCOMED, ICA3-CT-2002-50002 (10/2002-12/2003) (Programma: INCOMED - INCO-CT-2003-502453)
  • Project INWATERMAN ( within INTERREG IIIA Italia-Malta;
  • FP6-2004-SME-COOP - Project CHEMFREE “Development of a chemical-free water treatment system through integrating fibre filters, ultrasound and UV-C” ( ;
  • MEDIWAT - Sustainable management of environmental issues related to water stress in Mediterranean Islands) Med Programme – (2007-2013) (;
  • WATER4CROPS Project FP7, Work Programme 2012 “COOPERATION”, call: FP7-KBBE-2012-6,  Grant agreement no.: 311933, collaborative Project "Integrating biotreated wastewater reuse and valorization with enhanced water use efficiency to support the Green Economy in EU and India- Water4Crops ( );
  • WATINTECH Smart decentralized WATer management through a dynamic INtegration of TECHnologies - ERANET Co-fund Waterworks 2014 - (

He has a technical collaboration with several international firms of irrigation equipments and materials (IRRITEC and TORO IRRIGATION). He is also consultant on design and management of natural treatment systems for several municipalities and water agencies located in Italy, and he is consultant for IKEA® Retail Italy for the wastewater treatment and reuse.

Member of:  Italian Association of Agricultural Engineering (Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Agraria- AIIA), Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana, AgEng and International Water Association (IWA). Since 2012 is member of Accademia dei Georgofili (Florence, Italy).

Referee: Science of the Total Environment, Ecological Engineering, Water Science & Technology, …

Has published more than 160 scientific papers. He has  h-index = 28, according Scopus (,  .

His research activity is at the present time mainly focused on nature-based solutions to mitigate hydraulic risks in urbana and sub-urban areas,  wastewater reclamation (natural treatments: constructed wetlands, storage reservoirs, etc.), wastewater reuse (effects on soil and on crops irrigated with wastewater, effects on irrigation equipment: i.e. filters and emitters) and irrigation (policy, deficit irrigation, microirrigation).



Last edit: 02/09/2025

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

His research activity is at the present time mainly focused on wastewater reclamation (natural treatments: constructed wetlands, storage reservoirs, etc.), wastewater reuse (effects on soil and on crops irrigated with wastewater, effects on irrigation equipment: i.e. filters and emitters) and irrigation (policy, deficit irrigation, microirrigation). Has published more than 160 scientific papers. He has  h-index = 28 according Scopus

He has a technical collaboration with international firms of irrigation equipments and materials (IRRITEC and TORO IRRIGATION).

He is also consultant on design and management of natural treatment systems for several municipalities and water agencies located in Italy, and he is consultant for IKEA Retail Italy for the wastewater treatment and reuse (Catania store).