Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Giuseppe CUCUZZAExpected Learning Outcomes
The aim of the course is to provide the skills necessary for the development of an objective judgment, compliant with international estimation standards, articulated, transparent and corresponding to the practical reason for the estimate and the needs of economic justice.
In terms of learning, the achievable results can be summarized as follows:
Knowledge and understanding - ability to acquire useful knowledge to understand how to proceed in the elaboration of an appropriate judgment of estimate
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding - adequate skills to understand how to deal with the main estimation cases of agricultural interest through appropriate estimation methodologies and procedures
Autonomy of judgment - ability to elaborate an objective, transparent, replicable and coherent judgment of estimation with the axiomatization of the estimation discipline
Communication skills - ability to illustrate the methodological and application path used for the elaboration of the estimate of the value sought also with reference to the activities of reviewing estimate reports prepared by third parties
Learning skills - Acquisition of knowledge useful for operating in the world of work in the context of estimating the value of assets and rights with reference to the agricultural sector
Course Structure
The course includes lectures through lectures lasting 21 hours and classroom exercises lasting 42 hours, possible seminars and technical visits to institutions, structures or companies.
If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to comply with the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.
To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with the laws in force, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and / or dispensatory measures, based on the didactic objectives and specific needs. It is also possible to contact the referent teacher CInAP (Center for Active and Participated Integration - Services for Disabilities and / or SLD) of the Department.
Required Prerequisites
Attendance of Lessons
Attendance at the course is not compulsory, however it is strongly recommended as it facilitates the learning process
Detailed Course Content
By means of applications referring to several notable cases, the operating diagrams for the estimate of the value of rustic funds even in the presence of legal limitations to the right of ownership, the methods of investigation and analysis of the land market, guidelines for the preparation of due diligence real estate, and the tools for carrying out professional practice in concessions credit, in the estimation of damages, of green areas and ornamental plants.
Textbook Information
Betts, R.M. Estate Appraisal. Principles & Procedures, 8th ed. Cengage Learning, , Mason OH 45040, USA, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-133-49594-9.
Course Planning
Subjects | Text References | |
1 | Richiami di teoria estimativa. Valore di mercato e valori diversi dal valore di mercato Il processo estimativo, il metodo e i procedimenti di stima | Textbook 3 |
2 | Criteri diacronici e metodo del segmento doppio | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
3 | Richiami degli elementi di calcolo finanziario Saggi di interesse e conversione dei saggi | Textbook 3 and didactical material produced by the teacher |
4 | Analisi del mercato fondiario e ricerca dei beni simili | Textbook 3 and didactical material produced by the teacher |
5 | Arboreti da frutto coetanei e autonomi: richiami e casi notevoli. Stima di arboreti coetanei non autonomi e arboreti no specializzati | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
6 | Stime dei fondi rustici – casi notevoli. Stima dei fondi rustici suscettibili di miglioramento: procedure e applicazioni | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
7 | Stima dei pascoli montani | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
8 | Stima dei boschi e delle foreste | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
9 | Stima delle piante ornamentali | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
10 | Stima dei danni e valore assicurato | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
11 | Le stime nelle espropriazioni per pubblica utilità - Casi notevoli | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
12 | Stima del diritto di usufrutto a fini civilistici e fiscali. Stima del diritto di uso e abitazione | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
13 | La stima nelle servitù prediali, di passaggio, da acquedotto, elettrodotto metanodotto e militari | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
14 | Successioni e divisioni ereditarie | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
15 | Il valore di costo e la stima delle aree edificabili | Textbook 3 and didactical material produced by the teacher |
16 | La determinazione del reddito e del saggio nelle stime per capitalizzazione | Textbook 3 and didactical material produced by the teacher |
17 | Richiami delle finalità, dei caratteri e della struttura del catasto italiano. Identificazione e analisi della documentazione catastale di un immobile. Fabbricati rurali: identificazione dei requisiti oggettivi e soggettivi; | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
18 | La conformità della documentazione nella stima dei beni immobili: accettazione dell’incarico; accertamenti e redazione del rapporto di due diligence | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
19 | L'attività peritale e la relazione di stima. Il Ruolo del CTU e del CTP. L'arbitrato. L'accertamento tecnico preventivo, la perizia giurata e la perizia asseverata. | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
20 | Gli Standard di valutazione e il valutatore immobiliare certificato | Didactical material produced by the teacher |
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
Verification of learning takes place through an oral interview.
The evaluation of the student's preparation will take place on the basis of the following criteria: learning ability and level of depth of the topics covered, properties of synthesis and exposition, and the student's ability to reason.
The vote follows the following scheme:
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Important shortcomings. Significant inaccuracies
Ability to analyze and synthesize: Irrelevant. Frequent generalizations. Inability to synthesize
Use of references: Completely inappropriate
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: At the threshold level. Obvious imperfections
Analysis and synthesis skills: Just enough skills
Use of references: As appropriate
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Routine knowledge Analysis and synthesis skills: It is capable of correct analysis and synthesis. Argue logically and consistently
Using references: Use standard references
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Good knowledge
Analysis and synthesis skills: Has good analysis and synthesis skills. The arguments are expressed consistently
Using references: Use standard references
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Knowledge more than good
Ability to analyze and synthesize: He has considerable abilities of analysis and synthesis
Use of references: Has explored the topics
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Excellent knowledge
Ability to analyze and synthesize: He has considerable abilities of analysis and synthesis.
Use of references: Important insights
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
Market analysis and research of comparison goods;
Estimate of a rustic land;
Equivalent essays;
Capitalization of an income stream;
Expropriations for public utility;
Determination of the right of usufruct for tax purposes;
Estimation of ornamental plants;
Estimation of the woods;
Appraisal and professional activity;
CTU and CTP.
Evaluation report