Academic Year 2021/2022 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Giuseppe Eros Massimino Cocuzza and Carmelo Rapisarda
Credit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Introduce the student to the application of molecular investigation techniques useful for the control of harmful insects in agricultural production and their systematic and biological study.

Course Structure

Lectures (28 hours) and laboratory exercises (28 hours). The lessons will take place with the help of images projected on the screen commented and explained by the teacher. The course includes laboratory exercises, bioinformatics and individual reports on case studies agreed with the teacher. If the teaching is given in remote mode, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to comply with the program envisaged and reported on the syllabus.

As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline.
It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), in the persons of professors Giovanna Tropea Garzia and Anna De Angelis.

Detailed Course Content

General characterization of insects. Control methods of harmful arthropods. The insect genome. Genetic manipulation of plants to control harmful insects. Arhtropod-induced plant defences. Analysis of gut-content of insects. Development of insecticide molecules for the control of harmful insects. Pest resistance to insecticides. Arthropods vectors of phytopathogens. Arthropod vectors of animal parasites. Biotechnologies applied to entomopathogenic microorganisms. Sterile Insect Technique. Bioinformatic applied to enntomological studies. Insects for food, feed and waste. Semiochemicals. Molecular investigation methods applied in the recognition of species. RNAi and Genome editing in Entomology. Laboratory techniques for the study of insects.

Textbook Information

  1. Gullan P.J., Cranston P.S., 2006 – Lineamenti di Entomologia. Zanichelli
  2. Pennacchio F. e AA.VV., 2014 – Gli insetti e il loro controllo. Liguori Editore
  3. Vinciskas A., 2011 – Insect Biotechnology. Springer
  4. Researches published in specialized journals provided by the teacher
  5. Notes provided by the teacher