Course Overview

The course in Agricultural Biotechnology lasts two years and foresees the students acquisition of 120 University Credits (ECTS), of which 84 by passing the 11 the given courses, 12 by passing of independently chosen ones among all those given at University of Catania, as long as coherent with the degree course and not overlapping with contents already present; 1 ECTS will be acquired with other training activities and the remaining 23 with the final thesis defense. Teaching activities are organized on a six-month basis; they are given with frontal lessons and exercises as well as seminars and technical visits.

The learning outcomes are verified by means of intermediate evaluations, aimed at monitoring the students preparation progress and the effectiveness of the teaching methodologies, and profit examinations, aimed at evaluating the achievement of the overall content of the courses.

During the first semester of the first year the course aims at providing solid basic preparations on biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology; in the second semester of the first year and first semester of the second year topics are extended to the biotechnology applications in the various sectors of agricultural and food chain. The second semester of the second year is dedicated to the experimental degree thesis preparation. Students can enroll into the 2nd year only after having acquired a minimum of 24 ECTS. The final exam consists in the dissertation of the thesis, written in Italian or English and elaborated in an original way, prepared by the candidate and concerning a topic agreed with the promoter belonging to the course, the Department, the University, or another University.

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Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment


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