Giorgio Gusella
Fixed-term Assistant Professor (RTDA) of Plant pathology [AGRI-05/B]
Membership Section: Plant Pathology
Last edit: 06/28/2024
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The research activity is mainly focused on the characterization (morphological, molecular and phylogenetic analysis) and the study of emerging fungal pathogens of citrus (Pleosporaceae, Glomerellaceae, Botryosphaeriaceae, etc.) and other crops (avocado, pistachio, almond, walnut). The research activity also concerns the determination of the baseline sensitivity of pathogens and their resistance to fungicides, the development of innovative control strategies through the evaluation of the effectiveness of biological control agents (based on Bacillus spp., Trichoderma spp., etc.) or biostimulants and corroborants as an alternative or as an integration of copper products.