Quality of Agro-Food Products
Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year- VEGETABLE PRODUCTS: Ferdinando Branca
Course Language: English
Taught classes: 70 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
To provide the knowledge to evaluate and to exploit wild and cultivated species of interest as vegetables grown in Sicily to use for preparing typical dishes. Will be analyzed the health traits of vegetable produce. To know the several health compounds of different vegetable produce and the cultivar/genotypes of interest for their high biosynthesis of nutraceuticals. To Improve the knowledge related to the good practices for producing and for processing traditional vegetable produce. We will analysed the quality traits of vegetable produce in view to use them for processing.
Detailed Course Content
-Course introduction;
-Agro-economic importance;
-Classification of species of interest as vegetable;
-Planting and growing techniques of interest for increasing quality;
-Quality of vegetable produce;
-Principali composti nutraceutici delle produzioni orticole tradizionali;
- Potenzialità e criticità delle filiere dei prodotti tradizionali orticoli
Textbook Information
Pardossi A., Prosdocimi Gianquinto G., Santamaria P., 2018. Orticoltura. Principi e pratica. Edagricole-New Business MediaBianco V.V., Pimpini, F., 1990. Orticoltura. Patron Editore, Bologna
Marzi V., De Mastro G. 2008. Piante Officinali. Mario Adda Editore, Bari
Cappelli P., Vannucchi V., 2005. Chimica degli alimenti. Zanichelli, Bologna
AA. VV., 2009. Piante officinali in Sicilia: studio agronomico, fitochimico e farmacologico mirato alla loro valorizzazione e allo sfruttamento agro-industriale. Assessorato Agricoltura e Foreste Regione Sicilia
Lodi, G., Piante officinali italiane. Edizioni Agricole, Bologna
Catione P., Marotti M.,Toderi G., Tetenyi P., 1986. Coltivazione delle piante Medicinali e aromatiche. Patron Editore Bologna
Bonciarelli F., 2000. Agronomia. Edagricole
Articles and presentations provided by the teacher.