Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Rosa Palmeri
Credit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 35 hours
Exercise: 14 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Objecctives of the course is to transfer the theoretical and applicative knowledge concerning the main food processing technologies with particular reference to the productions of the Mediterranean area. Knowledge of food transformation processes and technologies

Course Structure


Detailed Course Content

Introduction to the course. Description of the transformation processes of raw materials and their meaning and problems relating to food preparation and critical process points

Processes of Transformation in the non-alcoholic beverage chain: Generalities and classification of non-alcoholic beverages. Characteristics and composition of juices and semifinished products. Product types.

Transformation processes in the bakery product chain: classification of bakery products. Technological aspects of bread making. Defects and alterations related to the preservation and shelf life of the products. Quality index of the finished product.

Pasta production process: production process and technological aspects

Transformation processes in meat production chains, fish and poultry derivatives: Meats and their derivatives, classification and cuts, chemical composition and nutritional value. Salami production technology. Generalities and classification of fishery products, chemical composition and nutritional value. Preserved fish products.

Textbook Information

1. Cappelli P., Vannucchi V. 2005. Chimica degli alimenti. Terza edizione, Zanichelli.

2. Melissano M. 2009. Alimenti e alimentazione Chimica, Igiene degli Alimenti e Tecnologia dei Processi Alimentari. Edagricole.

3. Cappellano S. 2009. Manuale della ristorazione. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.

4. Menaggia G., Roncalli W. 2015. L'Industria Agroalimentare. Franco Lucisano Editore

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