Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Cinzia Lucia Randazzo
Credit Value: 8
Taught classes: 40 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

Main fermentations. Role of microrganims in the production of fermented foods. Lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and moulds for food application. Starter cultures. Selection criteria for starters; factors influencing the growth of microrganims in food. Primary and secondary metabolities of fermentation. Probiotics, prebiotics and functional foods. Main fermented foods: fermented milk, cheeses, sourdough, cured meats, fermented olives, beer, wine.Student's ppt presentation. Practical course.

Textbook Information

Microbiology and thecnology of fermented foods. Hutkins ed. 2006. Blackwell Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-0-8138-0018-9; ISBN-10: 0-8138-0018-8/2006.