Applied Entomology

Research themes and Projects

The research topics of the Applied Entomology section are related to:

  • novel integrated and organic pest control tools and strategies in cropping systems and natural and urban environments;
  • biology, ecology and damage caused by the main invasive exotic pests recently and/or at risk of introduction in Italy;
  • biology and ecology of arthropod pests of forestal and ornamental interest
  • biology, ecology and potential applications of biocontrol agents;
  • arthropod pest complex for stored food (raw and processed material, processing and seasoning environments);
  • taxonomy, biology and ecology of Rhynchota Sternorrhyncha;
  • pollinator fauna biology and ecology in artificial and natural landscapes;
  • beekeeping and honeybee health;
  • biotechnologies applied to insects systematics
  • (eco)toxicology of pesticides and novel biopesticides on pests and natural enemies.
  • These activities have been and are currently carried out in the framework of research projects funded by local, national and European funding agencies, as well as by various private companies.
  • Some of these are activities also represent a unique opportunity for outreach activities targeting farms, food companies and other agro-food and environmental bodies.

Recent and ongoing research projects

  • Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), PRIN project, ‘Biopesticides for sustainable insect pest control’ (BIOPIC) (2017-2020), Coordinator: Lucia Zappalà.
  • Italian Ministry of Forest and Agriculture, ‘Difesa da organismi nocivi in olivicoltura tradizionale e intensiva (DIOL)’ (2018-2020). Research unit coordinator: Gaetana Mazzeo.
  • European Commission, FP7-ERA-NET action, ARIMNET 2 call, ‘Sustainable Tomato Production’ (STomP) (2016-2019), Coordinator: Lucia Zappalà.
  • University of Catania, ‘Emergent Pests and Pathogens and Relative Sustainable Strategies’ (2017-2019), Work Package leader: Antonio Biondi.
  • Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), Scientific Independence of young researchers (SIR), ‘Target and non-target entomotoxicity of bioinsectide nanoformulations (ENTOBIONANO)’ (2015-2018), Coordinator: Antonio Biondi.
  • European Commission, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES APHIWEB, ‘Structure, strength and invasibility of aphid food webs’ (2014 - 2017). Research unit coordinator: Lucia Zappalà.
  • European Commission, FP7 PEOPLE 2012 IRSES ASCII, ‘Ameliorating the Sustainable Control of Invasive Insects’ (2013 - 2016). Research unit coordinator: Lucia Zappalà.
  • Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), PRIN project, ‘Insetti e globalizzazione: controllo sostenibile di specie esotiche in ecosistemi agro-forestali (GEISCA)’ (2013-2016). Research unit coordinator: Gaetano Siscaro.
  • Department of Food and Agriculture of the Sicilian Region, ‘Ricerca Reintroduzione e conservazione della sottospecie a rischio estinzione Apis mellifera siciliana (Della Torre, 1986) (APESLOW)’ (2011 - 2014). Coordinator: Gaetana Mazzeo.
  • Department of Food and Agriculture of the Sicilian Region, ‘Metodologie innovative per la lotta alla Tristeza degli agrumi. O.R. 4 - Metodi di contenimento degli afidi vettori della Tristeza degli agrumi’ (2011 - 2014). Coordinator: Giuseppe Eros Massimino Cocuzza.
  • Sicilian Region, POR FESR 2007-2013 ‘Programma di ricerca Soluzioni innovative per la sicurezza alimentare nella filiera cerealicola S.I.S.A. CER’ (2011- 2014). Coordinator: Agatino Russo.
  • Department of Food and Agriculture of the Sicilian Region, ‘Tutela e Valorizzazione dell'Ambiente Progetto per lo sviluppo dell’Agricoltura biologica in Sicilia sottoprogetto Gestione fitosanitaria in orticoltura biologica in serra’ (2012-2014). Responsabile: Gaetano Siscaro.
  • Italian Ministry of Forest and Agriculture, ‘Protezione delle palme ornamentali e spontanee dalla invasione del punteruolo rosso’ (2012 - 2013). Coordianator: Santi Longo.
  • Department of Food and Agriculture of the Sicilian Region, ‘Miglioramento della qualità dei cereali e dei loro derivati attraverso l’utilizzo di risorse genetiche per l’aumento della competitività delle imprese (MICERIGE) Settore di intervento: Risorse genetiche -azione 3: Definizione quanti-qualitativa delle specie infestanti (2011 - 2013)’. Coordinator: Pompeo Suma.
  • Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), PRIN project, ‘Biologia e controllo integrato di Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) in Italia’, (2010-2012). Coordinator: Carmelo Rapisarda.