Academic Year 2020/2021 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Francesco Giuffrida and Cherubino Leonardi
Credit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide useful understanding tools to: - analyze the morphological, technical, qualitative aspects of typical Mediterranean and innovative vegetable products, edible and aromatic wild plants; - evaluate the impact of process variants capable of improving the quality of the product used in catering.

Course Structure

Lectures (28 hours);

Laboratory activity, discussion of case studies, visits to vegetable products processing companies (28 hours).

If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported syllabus.

Learning assessment may be done remotely if necessary.

Detailed Course Content

Characteristics of vegetable products;

Economic and agricultural importance of the vegetable sector and productive agrosystems;

The quality of the vegetables (The main characteristics, The evaluation, The factors that influence quality);

Vegetable consumption and use (Fresh products, Processed products);

Vegetable conditioning and storage;

Organographic characteristics, quality profile, uses, calendar of supply and consumption of the main vegetables (- Leafy vegetables; aromatic; micro vegetables and sprouts; - Inflorescence and stem vegetables; - Ripe and immature fruit vegetables; - Vegetables bulb, tuber and root).

Textbook Information

1 - Slides provided by the professor

2 - Colelli G., Inglese P., 2020. GESTIONE DELLA QUALITÀ E CONSERVAZIONE DEI PRODOTTI ORTOFRUTTICOLI. Edagricole pp. 445. ISBN 978-88-506-5565-6

3 - Sansavini S., Ranalli P., 2012. MANUALE DI ORTOFRUTTICOLTURA. Edagricole