Silvia Zingale
Tutor: Paolo Guarnaccia
2020-2023: PhD course in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science, University of Catania. Research project: “Addressing quality innovation and sustainability in the organic durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum (Desf.) Husnot) supply chain”. The aim of the PhD project is to develop a regional functional pasta from organic durum wheat multiline varieties. To achieve the proposed goal, the research activities will focus on: (1) the evaluation of the agronomic characteristics of durum wheat varieties, (2) the pasta quality characterization, (3) the assessment of social, economic, environmental sustainability of the local organic durum wheat supply chain, (4) the development of an innovative and multidisciplinary framework that integrates nutritional and environmental assessment, (5) the analysis of consumer behavior and preferences for organic, local and functional food products, and (6) the implementation of a multi-level package food labeling system that allows the complete traceability of the product as well as the communication of both quality characteristic and sustainability performances.
2018-2020: Master’s Degree in Food Science and Technology, University of Catania; supervisors: Prof. Paolo Guarnaccia, Prof. Carlo Ingrao and Prof. Giuseppe Timpanaro. Degree thesis: “Evaluating environmental sustainability of agri-food systems through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): the case of pasta made from organic whole durum wheat semolina in Sicily”. Final mark: 110/110 e lode.
2014-2018: Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology, University of Catania; supervisor: Prof. Paolo Guarnaccia. Degree thesis: “Producers, consumers, institutions and researchers together for a sustainable agri-food system.” Final mark: 110/110 e lode.
2014: High School diploma: Liceo Classico Mario Cutelli, Catania (CT).