The PhD

Coordinator: Antonio Biondi
Scientific area: Agricultural science
Duration: 3 years

The international PhD program in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science was established at Di3A in the year 2013. The doctorate has a duration of three years and covers all the scientific disciplines of the Agro-food-environmental sectors. Up to the cycle XXXVII, the PhD program is associated to the Instituto Superior de Agronomia of the University of Lisboa (Portugal). Starting from the cycle XXXVIII, the Federal University of Viçosa Brazil (UFV) is the main partner (MD N. 226/2021). Several double degrees are pursued. The board of teachers involve several professors of Di3A and UFV. Each student will be assigned to a tutor and to eventual co-tutor, both not necessarily belonging to the board of teachers. Two supervisors external to Di3A will be also appointed per each student and, together with the tutors, will form the advisor board. Among the different teaching activities, the PhD Program proposes a number of specific educational multidisciplinary activities and an annual workshop organized jointly together with the Universities of Foggia and Udine, in which students present and discuss their research activities. The PhD students are also required to carry out their research activities in a foreign institution for at least six months.


Course Overview and Educational Aims

Due to its interdisciplinary nature covering all sectors of Area 07, the Ph.D. course aims at training professional figures qualified for both pure and applied research in the domain of agriculture, food and environment, capable of:

  • organizing and conducting experiments in the diverse phases of the interested industries, interpreting results by means of suitable statistical methodologies;
  • making choices allowing to obtain programmed production in terms of quality, quantity and time and without negative impact on the environment and the healthiness of products;
  • managing agri-food and environmental systems for the protection of land and water resources;
  • managing machinery and products utilized in agriculture and agri-food industry;
  • checking, also by means of innovative, eco-compatible technologies, adversities, both biotic and abiotic, threatening agricultural and food produce and agricultural and forest ecosystems;
  • analyzing agri-food systems in order to intervene on the planning and management of the diverse industries and to know economic instruments to protect and manage the environment;
  • transferring advanced, innovative technologies to agricultural and food processes and products, with respect to eco-sustainability;
  • training experts on rural development.

Other information

Documenti utili

 Template for thesis preparation

Link utili

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