Prodotti della ricerca

Attraverso la seguente lista è possibile visualizzare tutti i prodotti di ricerca realizzati dai docenti del dipartimento.

Consapevoli che la quantità dei prodotti o la tipologia degli stessi non sono un indicatore diretto della qualità della ricerca o dei singoli che la realizzano, come pure della profonda diversità riguardo i prodotti realizzati in settori scientifico-disciplinari diversi, la finalità di questa lista è mostrare quali sono i frutti dell'attività svolta e ispirare curiosità in studenti e altri che volessero entrare nel mondo della ricerca scientifica.

AnnoTitolo e autoriTipo MIUR
2025Morphological, Molecular and Pathological Characterization of Phytophthora pseudocryptogea Associated with Rosmarinus officinalis Dieback in Tuscany, Central Italy
Cacciola Santa Olga
Articolo in rivista
2025Evaluating Circular Strategies for the Resilience of Agri-Food Business: Evidence From the Olive Oil Supply Chain
D'Amico Mario
Articolo in rivista
2025A systematic review of the SAFA framework in the literature: An approach to assess sustainability in agri-food systems
Zarbà Carla
Articolo in rivista
2025Milk Performance and Grazing Behaviour of Cinisara Cows Supplemented with Low- and High-Polyphenols Faba Bean Varieties
Tumino Serena
Articolo in rivista
2025A systematic review of the SAFA framework in the literature: An approach to assess sustainability in agri-food systems
Scuderi Matarazzo Alessandro
Articolo in rivista
2025Streamlining the Identification of the Orange Spiny Whitefly, Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), with Real-Time PCR Probe Technology
Massimino Cocuzza Giuseppe Eros
Articolo in rivista
2025Milk Performance and Grazing Behaviour of Cinisara Cows Supplemented with Low- and High-Polyphenols Faba Bean Varieties
Lanza Massimiliano, Avondo Marcella
Articolo in rivista
2025Effect of Hot Air-Drying Technique on the Quality and Stability of Blood Orange Slices in Modified Atmosphere Packaging
Todaro Aldo
Articolo in rivista
2025Utilization of wheat malts as a replacement for improvers to enhance physicochemical, technological, nutritional, and sensory characteristics of bread
Todaro Aldo
Articolo in rivista
2025Olive tree leaves in dairy sheep diet: effects on rumen metabolism, microbiota composition and milk quality
Natalello Antonio
Articolo in rivista
2025Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Microbial and Amino Acid Treatments for Organic Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenk) Seed Production
Tribulato Alessandro, Branca Ferdinando
Articolo in rivista
2025Evaluation of the Effects of Epicoccum nigrum on the Olive Fungal Pathogens Verticillium dahliae and Colletotrichum acutatum by 1H NMR-Based Metabolic Profiling
Cacciola Santa Olga
Articolo in rivista
2025Qualitative and relative abundance analysis of Alternaria alternata metabolites in pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cultivars affected by Heart Rot using UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS
Cacciola Santa Olga
Articolo in rivista
2025Trichoderma as a Source of Metabolites for Applications in Agriculture
Cacciola Santa Olga
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
2025Nutritional and technological characterization of rosehip seed flours as a functional ingredient in common wheat bread
Natalello Antonio
Articolo in rivista
2025Banana Peels as an Alternative Livestock Nutritional Source: Chemical Composition and Meta-analysis
De Angelis Anna
Articolo in rivista
2025Clonality, Virulence Genes, and Antimicrobial Resistance of Dairy Ruminants in Mastitic Milk-Associated Staphylococcus aureus in Sicily
Randazzo Cinzia Lucia
Articolo in rivista
2025A study on the effect of biostimulant application on yield and quality of tomato under long-lasting water stress conditions
Cosentino Salvatore
Articolo in rivista
2025Clonality, Virulence Genes, and Antimicrobial Resistance of Dairy Ruminants in Mastitic Milk-Associated Staphylococcus aureus in Sicily
Caggia Cinzia
Articolo in rivista
2025Flavouring group evaluation 418 (FGE. 418): 3‐[3‐(2‐isopropyl‐5‐methyl‐cyclohexyl)‐ureido]‐butyric acid ethyl ester
Fallico Biagio
Articolo in rivista
2025Re-evaluation of butane (E 943a), isobutane (E 943b) and propane (E 944) as food additives
Fallico Biagio
Articolo in rivista
2025First report of Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein, 1936) (Acari, Tetranychidae), found in citrus orchards in Eastern Sicily
Tropea Garzia Giovanna Maria Daniela, Massimino Cocuzza Giuseppe Eros
Articolo in rivista
2025Agricultural Robotics: A Technical Review Addressing Challenges in Sustainable Crop Production
Schillaci Giampaolo, Failla Sabina Iole Giuseppina
Articolo in rivista
2025Automatic Grape Cluster Detection Combining YOLO Model and Remote Sensing Imagery
Failla Sabina Iole Giuseppina
Articolo in rivista
2025Associations among production systems, identity aspects, microbiological results and physical-chemical traits as revealed by official analyses of Minas Artisanal Cheese (QMA, Queijo Minas Artesanal)
Caggia Cinzia
Articolo in rivista
2025Phenolic extract from olive mill wastewater sustains mitochondrial bioenergetics upon oxidative insult
Caggia Cinzia
Articolo in rivista
2025Accumulation Chamber post-processing tool
Longo Domenico
2025Spatiotemporal Assessment of Habitat Quality in Sicily, Italy
Signorello Giovanni, Cucuzza Giuseppe
Articolo in rivista
2025Consumer Behavior and Sustainability: Exploring Italy's Green Cosmetics Market with Prickly Pear Seed Oil
Timpanaro Giuseppe
Articolo in rivista
2025Genome Mining and Characterization of Two Novel Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus Probiotic Candidates with Bile Salt Hydrolase Activity
Randazzo Cinzia Lucia, Pino Alessandra, Caggia Cinzia
Articolo in rivista
2025The Role of Melatonin in Modulating Morphometric Parameters and Bioactive Compounds of Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck Under Drought Stress
Branca Ferdinando
Articolo in rivista
2025Re‐evaluation of citric acid esters of mono‐ and diglycerides of fatty acids (E 472c) as a food additive in foods for infants below 16 weeks of age and follow‐up of its re‐evaluation
Fallico Biagio
Articolo in rivista
2025Optimizing malting conditions for the old Sicilian durum wheat landrace Perciasacchi: Effects of steeping time and temperature on malt and beer quality
Todaro Aldo
Articolo in rivista
2025Characterization of biochemical traits, volatile compounds, and sensorial attributes of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) nuts and oil as affected by regulated deficit irrigation and roasting
Muratore Giuseppe
Articolo in rivista
2025Life History Parameters of the Invasive Cotton Mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis on Tomato at Four Constant Temperatures
Suma Pompeo
Articolo in rivista
2025Correction: Fast detection of penicillium rot and the conservation status of packaged citrus fruit using an optical array sensor
Cacciola Santa Olga
2025Use of liquid nitrogen as pistachio peeling agent: quality parameters of kernel and skins (testa)
Parafati Lucia, Palmeri Rosa, Fallico Biagio
Articolo in rivista
2025Long term performance of Nature-Based Solutions as decentralized wastewater treatment: a case study of a retail store in southern Italy
Ventura Delia, Sciuto Liviana, Marzo Alessia Concetta, Licciardello Feliciana, Cirelli Giuseppe
Articolo in rivista
2025Exploring the diversity of native Lachancea thermotolerans strains isolated by sugary extracts from manna ash to modulate the flavour of sour beers
Todaro Aldo
Articolo in rivista
2025Media narratives and activists’ digital practices about climate change in Italy: a multi-channel analysis
Graziano Teresa
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)